Back To Work with Confidence

One Day Course

This course is designed for people who are currently out of the workplace and are preparing to return to work on a part time or full time basis. It will give participants the knowledge, tools and confidence they need to start their journey back to work.

At the end of the course, participants will have created a personal roadmap to help them achieve their career goals.

The course will cover:

  • What is career planning and why it is important
  • Exploration of personal values and life priorities, and how they impact career choices
  • Identifies skills, experience and personal attributes from personal history that can create a foundation for their career moving forward.
  • Develops the self-belief and confidence to step into a new role
  • Addresses the obstacles in returning to work and finds practical solutions for them
  • How to build support network, and how to communicate your new direction to those around you
  • How to ‘tell a new story’ of where you are going and what you have to offer in your new career.
  • Creates an individualised plan to ensure participants leave with confidence about their next step


I’m delighted that you want to get in touch! I definitely want to hear from you, partner with you or just celebrate your progress alongside you!

The best way to connect with me is via email. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. My email address is: